2015年,陈文俊和江演媚建立了Me and Me摄影工作室,现更名为May and June工作室。他们曾是杂志的图片编辑和摄影师,一直从事影像的记录和创作。作品曾刊登于国内主流杂志,并在国内外展出。
In 2015, Wenjun Chen and Yanmei Jiang established Me and Me Photo Studio, now the name has changed to May and June Studio. They were photo editors and photographers in magazines before, they has been engaged in image recording and creation in their career. Their works has been published on domestic mainstream magazines, and exhibited at home and abroad.
2012年,陈文俊、江演媚和朱伟明成立bighead foto独立出版,自出版《恩宁》、《网》、《长青街》作品集,并在广州时代美术馆和扉艺廊举办两届摄影手工书工作坊。2014年,big headfoto独立出版停止更新。
In 2012, Wenjun Chen, Yanmei Jiang and Weiming Zhu established bighead foto independent publishing, they has published EN Ning, The Fence and Chang Qing Street. They has held handmade book workshops at Guangzhou Times Art Museum and Fei Gallery.
At the end of 2014, Wenjun Chen and Yanmei Jiang quitted their jobs and went traveling. They has finished an US Family Photo Project during the 16,000 kilometers road trips, in which they traveled through 18 cities, 9 national parks and 13 local families. After that, they published the book Across America.
In 2016, the work Me and Me which done together by both of them, has been the finalist of the Three Shadows Photography Award, Dummy Award Kassel, and has received XITEK EOS New Talent Award and Taipei Photo Emerging Photographers’ Award. Their works has been exhibited in China, Taiwan, Japan, UK, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Norway, Croatia, Portugal, Denmark, Slovakia and Russia.
In 2017, Their works Wandering Through Guangzhou After 2000 Years and Three Foreigners Doing Business In Guangzhou, which are parts of the project the Port and the Image: Documenting China’s Harbor Cities, has been exhibited in the China Port Museum.