任瀚 | Ren Han

任瀚 个人网站:ren-han.com




他曾在世界各地参与展览,包括巴黎104艺术中心、莫斯科现代艺术博物馆、柏林中国文化中心、尼斯亚洲艺术博物馆、北京今日美术馆、泰康空间等。并在巴黎Less Is More Projects、北京C-空间、LAB47和七木空间举办个展。同时他也是再生空间计划(www.s-r-p.org)的联合创始人。

Ren Han is an artist based in Beijing and Paris.

Born 1984 in Tianjin (CN), after studying painting in Tianjin Academy of Fine Art, he joins the art department of École Nationale Supérieure d’Art de la Villa Arson in Nice (FR) from 2008 to 2011 and obtains the DNSEP.

Ren Han’s works include drawings, installations and site-specific works, however, he always feel doubt about the existence of fixed boundaries in the definition of medium and bring it into question in works of varying types. The materials he employed are simple and easily available, such as pencil, carbon paper and building stuff, and he always deploys graphic resources and established works from the internet, intending to re-examine the existing experience of our life and art practice instead of manufacturing new images in information chaos characterizing our time. The duality that Ren Han’s works (Mirror, Disaster, Soft Impact ect.) present, does not only denote the co-eternal binary oppositions of left and right, or self and other, but also the philosophical relationships of mind and matter, mind and body, as well as man and nature.

He has participated in exhibitions worldwide, including the Centquatre in Paris, the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, the China Cultural Center in Berlin, the Musée des Arts Asiatiques in Nice, the Today Art Museum, Taikang Space in Beijing, etc. His had solo exhibitions at Less Is More Projects in Paris, at C-Space, LAB47 and Qimu Space in Beijing. He is also the co-founder of the Space Regeneration Projects (www.s-r-p.org).